Rock, Paper, Scissors (2024)

Video still from documentation of ‘Rock, Paper, Scissors’ participatory artwork, AVARTS Festival (2024) Corfu
Feedback session after ‘Rock, Paper, Scissors’ participatory artwork, at NSU 2024, hosted by study circle Artistic Research, DK

A workshop-based presentation which is triggered by the current politics between Armenia and Azerbaijan, Israel and Palestine using Nagorno Karabach and Gaza current situation as a symbol for year-lasting conflicts between states. The proposal suggests ethnic cleansing strategies must be added to the list of the Anthropocene and seeks creative solutions making use of performative art as a safe platform to test out and embody new ideas.

In ‘Rock, paper, scissors’, I am borrowing the aesthetics of Japanese gardens in what concerns the fleeting and changing perception of the architecture (space/ time) to explore alternative ways of existing in a more constructive and harmonious ways within the framework of the workshop and beyond. Participants will be invited to create a living system which (as with all living systems) is fragile, subject to change and impossible to fully control. This workshop acts as a social experiment of our ability to listen to each other and to create (or not) harmonious coexistence in space.